International Business Administration (IBA)
- Digital summary 24/25
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Digital summary 24/25
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Access to digital summary 23/24
- Includes topics such as: Probability, Distributions, Hypothesis Testing
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Digital summary 24/25
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Hardcopy + digital summary 24/25
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Digital summary 24/25
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam