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Econometrics and Data Science

Digital: Statistical Learning
Digital: Statistical Learning
  • Immediate access to 23/24 summary
  • Digital summary 24/25


⭐️  Study 4x more efficiently for your exam

⭐️  Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam

Block 3
Bachelor year 2
Directly available
Literature Summary
Hardcopy + digital: Statistical Learning
Hardcopy + digital: Statistical Learning
  • Immediate access to 23/24 summary
  • Hardcopy + digital summary 24/25


⭐️  Study 4x more efficiently for your exam

⭐️  Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam

Block 3
Bachelor year 2
Directly available
Literature Summary
Digital: Microeconomics for AE
Digital: Microeconomics for AE
  • Digital summary 24/25


⭐️  Study 4x more efficiently for your exam

⭐️  Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam

Block 2
Bachelor year 1
Directly available
Literature Summary
Hardcopy & Digital: Microeconomics for AE
Hardcopy & Digital: Microeconomics for AE
  • Hardcopy + digital summary 24/25


⭐️  Study 4x more efficiently for your exam

⭐️  Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam

Block 2
Bachelor year 1
Directly available
Literature Summary
Digital: Probability Theory and Statistics 1
Digital: Probability Theory and Statistics 1
  • Digital summary 24/25


⭐️  Study 4x more efficiently for your exam

⭐️  Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam

Block 2
Bachelor year 1
Directly available
Literature Summary
Hardcopy & Digital: Probability Theory and Statistics 1
Hardcopy & Digital: Probability Theory and Statistics 1
  • Hardcopy + digital summary 24/25


⭐️  Study 4x more efficiently for your exam

⭐️  Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam

Block 2
Bachelor year 1
Directly available
Literature Summary
Digital: Mathematics 4: Multivariate Analysis
Digital: Mathematics 4: Multivariate Analysis
  • Digital summary 24/25


⭐️  Study 4x more efficiently for your exam

⭐️  Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam

Block 2
Bachelor year 2
Directly available
Literature Summary
Hardcopy + digital: Mathematics 4: Multivariate Analysis
Hardcopy + digital: Mathematics 4: Multivariate Analysis
  • Hardcopy + digital summary 24/25


⭐️  Study 4x more efficiently for your exam

⭐️  Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam

Block 2
Bachelor year 2
Directly available
Literature Summary
Digital: Probability Theory and Statistics 3
Digital: Probability Theory and Statistics 3
  • Digital summary 24/25


⭐️  Study 4x more efficiently for your exam

⭐️  Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam

Block 2
Bachelor year 2
Directly available
Literature Summary
Hardcopy + digital: Probability Theory and Statistics 3
Hardcopy + digital: Probability Theory and Statistics 3
  • Hardcopy + digital summary 24/25


⭐️  Study 4x more efficiently for your exam

⭐️  Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam

Block 2
Bachelor year 2
Directly available
Literature Summary