University of Amsterdam
- Overzichtelijik opgesplitst per boek
- Vertaald naar het Nederlands
⭐️ 84% van de studenten is 'heel tevreden' met het AthenaDocs platform
- Direct digitaal toegang tot beide samenvattingen vorig jaar (23/24)
- Wekelijks geüpdatet met beide samenvattingen van dit jaar (24/25)
- Inclusief hoorcollege- en werkgroepuitwerkingen, literatuur, jurisprudentie en exam guides
⭐️ Studeer 4x efficiënter voor je tentamen
⭐️ Gemaakt door honours- en masterstudenten
- Direct digitaal toegang tot beide samenvattingen vorig jaar (23/24)
- Wekelijks geüpdatet met beide samenvattingen van dit jaar (24/25)
- Inclusief hoorcollege- en werkgroepuitwerkingen, literatuur, jurisprudentie en exam guides
⭐️ Studeer 4x efficiënter voor je tentamen
⭐️ Gemaakt door honours- en masterstudenten
- Direct digitaal toegang tot beide samenvattingen vorig jaar (23/24)
- Wekelijks geüpdatet met beide samenvattingen van dit jaar (24/25)
- Inclusief hoorcollege- en werkgroepuitwerkingen, literatuur, jurisprudentie en exam guides
⭐️ Studeer 4x efficiënter voor je tentamen
⭐️ Gemaakt door honours- en masterstudenten
- Immediate access to 23/24 summary
- Hardcopy + digital summary 24/25
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Immediate access to 23/24 summary
- Digital summary 24/25
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Immediate access to 23/24 summary
- Hardcopy + digital summary 24/25
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Immediate access to 23/24 summary
- Digital summary 24/25
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Immediate access to 23/24 summary
- Hardcopy + digital summary 24/25
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Immediate access to 23/24 summary
- Digital summary 24/25
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Digital 24/25 summary
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exams
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Digital 24/25 summary
- Physical copy delivered to your doorstep
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exams
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Digital semester 2 summary
- Lecture content of first 4 weeks
- Physical copy delivered to your doorstep
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exams
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Updated semester 2 summary
- Lecture content of first 4 weeks
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exams
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Immediate access to 23/24 summary
- Hardcopy + digital summary 24/25
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Immediate access to 23/24 summary
- Digital summary 24/25
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Immediate access to 23/24 summary
- Hardcopy + digital summary 24/25
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Immediate access to 23/24 summary
- Digital summary 24/25
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Updated weekly
- Includes Lecture Notes
- The digital summary contains content for both the Partial and the Final Exam
- Summary for the specialisation: Clinical Psychology
⭐️ Active engagement through 30+ Practice questions
- Updated weekly
- Includes Lecture notes in the Digital summary
- Summary for the specialisation: Clinical Psychology
⭐️ Active engagement through 15+ Practice Questions
- Updated weekly
- Summary for the specializaiton: Psychological Methods
⭐️ Active engagement through 20+ practice questions
- Up-to-date digitale samenvatting 24/25
- Op papier gratis thuisbezorgd
⭐️ Studeer 4x efficiënter voor je tentamen
⭐️ Studenten die onze samenvattingen gebruiken scoren gemiddeld 1,5 punt hoger op hun tentamens
- Up-to-date digitale samenvatting 24/25
⭐️ Studeer 4x efficiënter voor je tentamen
⭐️ Studenten die onze samenvattingen gebruiken scoren gemiddeld 1,5 punt hoger op hun tentamens
- Up-to-date digitale samenvatting 24/25
⭐️ Studeer 4x efficiënter voor je tentamen
⭐️ Studenten die onze samenvattingen gebruiken scoren gemiddeld 1,5 punt hoger op hun tentamens
- Updated weekly
- Lecture Notes
- Summary for the specialisations: Brain and Cognition, Klinische Neuropsychologie
⭐️ Active engagement through 10+ Practice Questions
- Updated weekly
- Includes Lecture Notes
- Summary for the specialisation: Work and Organizational Psychology
⭐️ Active engagement through 20+ practice questions
⭐️ Includes Learning goals and Key takeaways
- Updated weekly
- Summary for the specializaiton: Work and Organizational Psychology
⭐️ Active engagement through 20+ practice questions
⭐️ Includes Learning goals and Key takeaways
- Updated weekly
- Includes Lecture Notes
- Summary for the specialisation: Social Psychology
⭐️ Active engagement through 10+ practice questions
- Immediate access to digital summaries 23/24
- 90+ practice questions
- Digital summaries 24/25:
- Corporate Finance
- Investment and Portfolio Theory 1
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Immediate access to digital summaries 23/24
- 150+ practice questions
- Digital summaries 24/25:
- Finance 2
- Management Accounting 1 for Economics
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Updated weekly
- Summary for the specialisation: Clinical Developmental Psychology
⭐️ Active engagement through 40+ Practice Questions
- Immediate access to digital summaries 23/24
- 170+ practice questions
- Digital summaries 24/25:
- Macroeconomics 1
- Statistics 1 for Economics
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Updated weekly
- Includes Lecture Notes
- Includes content for both the Partial and the Final Exam
- Summary for the specialisation: Clinical Psychology
⭐️ Active engagement through 30+ Practice Questions
- Updated weekly
- Includes Lecture Notes
- Summary for the specialisation: Clinical Psychology
⭐️ Active engagement through 15+ Practice Questions
- Immediate access to digital summaries 24/25
- 150+ practice questions
- Digital summaries:
- Information and Data Management
- Innovation Management
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Immediate access to digital summaries 24/25
- 150+ practice questions
- Digital summaries:
- Information and Data Management
- Finance 2
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Corporate Communication
- The Media Landscape
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Updated digital summary 24/25
- Physical copy delivered to your doorstep
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Updated digital summary 24/25
- Physical copy delivered to your doorstep
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Updated digital summary 24/25
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam