Economics and Business Economics
- 140+ practice questions
- Digital summaries 24/25:
- Macroeconomics: European Perspective
- Statistics
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- 21 practice questions
- Solve in our interactive digital environment
- Immediate access to digital 24/25 summary
- 60+ practice questions
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Immediate access to digital 24/25 summary
- Physical copy delivered to your doorstep
- 60+ practice questions
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Immediate access to digital 24/25 summary
- 80+ practice questions
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Immediate access to digital 24/25 summary
- Physical copy delivered to your doorstep
- 80+ practice questions
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Immediate access to digital 24/25 summary
- 70+ practice questions
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Immediate access to digital 24/25 summary
- Physical copy delivered to your doorstep
- 70+ practice questions
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Immediate access to digital 24/25 summary
- 40+ practice questions
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Immediate access to digital 24/25 summary
- Physical copy delivered to your doorstep
- 40+ practice questions
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Immediate access to digital 24/25 summary
- 40+ practice questions
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Immediate access to digital 24/25 summary
- Physical copy delivered to your doorstep
- 40+ practice questions
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Digital summary 24/25
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Hardcopy + digital summary 24/25
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Immediate access to all midterm content questions
- 60 relevant practice questions
- Step-by-step solutions to the most challenging questions
- Immediate access to all endterm content questions
- 78 relevant practice questions
- Step-by-step solutions to the most challenging questions
- Digital summary 24/25
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Hardcopy + digital summary 24/25
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Immediate access to the exam-ready practice qeustions
- Practical Applications: Emphasizes step-by-step solutions and practice questions to help students grasp applied econometric techniques.
- Comprehensive Coverage: Tailored for Utrecht University's Econometrics course, covering essential topics like OLS, hypothesis testing, functional forms, and time-series models.
- Digital summary 24/25
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average
- Hardcopy + digital summary 24/25
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Digital summary 24/25
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Hardcopy + digital summary 24/25
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Digital summary 24/25
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Hardcopy + digital summary 24/25
⭐️ Study 4x more efficiently for your exam
⭐️ Students who use our summaries score on average 1.5 points higher on the exam
- Digital summary in AthenaDocs
- Practice questions per week in AthenaDocs
- Hardcopy summary delivered at home
- Digital summary in AthenaDocs
- Practice questions per week in AthenaDocs
- Digital summary in AthenaDocs
- Practice questions per week in AthenaDocs
- Hardcopy summary delivered at home
- Digital summary in AthenaDocs
- Practice questions per week in AthenaDocs
- Digital summary in AthenaDocs
- Practice questions per week in AthenaDocs
- Hardcopy summary delivered at home
- Digital summary in AthenaDocs
- Practice questions per week in AthenaDocs
- Digital summary in AthenaDocs
- Practice questions per week in AthenaDocs
- Hardcopy summary delivered at home
- Digital summary in AthenaDocs
- Practice questions per week in AthenaDocs